Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Meditation against Anxiety Attacks and Stress

by Subroto Barua

Anxiety may be described as feelings of unease, worry and fear. It may involve both the emotions and the physical sensations we might experience when we are worried or nervous about something. We all know what it’s like to feel anxious from time to time. It’s common to feel tense, nervous and perhaps fearful at the thought of a stressful event or decision one is facing.

When the anxiety comes over you, your body and your mind are caught in a spiral, in a self-powered movement of malaise, nervous tension leading to stress and loss of physical and psychological control. These are the automated mechanisms of survival that are taking over.

In some cases, anxiety attacks can affect your day to day activities and so, it will be useful  to practice meditation to avoid being a victim of anxiety attacks. You do not need to be a seasoned meditator to work effectively on anxiety. When you feel you are in fear, stress or a harbinger whatsoever, focus your attention on your breathing, and breathing alone.

Meditation Practice to End Your Anxiety

Regular practice of meditation, i.e a daily meditation of about 15 to 25 minutes will have a serious impact on the quality of your life at work: increase your focus, your creativity, your ability to work, and effectively decrease your stress and anxiety…

Meditative practice has many advantages: it requires almost no investment, it can be done everywhere and in all circumstances. Beyond a religious practice, it is a method that allows to focus on itself, to be more in the present moment and allows to relax deeply. Meditation has many benefits on our overall health.

In this new article you will know the benefits of meditation for your mind and body, which will reduce the anxiety attacks and it is also a wonderful technique to manage daily stress.

Much research has been done and still continuing.  The National Institutes of Health in the United States has awarded more than $ 26 million for research on the effectiveness of meditation to reduce stress and all stress-related diseases, particularly on cardiovascular diseases. And research also shows the effectiveness of meditation on stress and mental illness.

Our sufferings, our fears, our misfortune does not depend on the outside world, but our own mind. We spend all our energy to seek outside solutions, yet the answer is within us. Meditation allows us to focus on ourselves and know us better.



What to do with the thoughts that plague you when there is a panic. Let them pass without giving them attention. They are not your enemy, they are only reflexes, reactions to changing your spiritual and chemical balances caused by anxiety. Do not judge, do not look, they go, let them do so. Concentrate only on your breath if you need a focal point, and when you can, detach yourself from objects of attention. To empty, so you will purge you of all the causes of your anxiety. They will disappear by themselves because you do not give them attention and then they have no place to exist.

Meditate regularly to reduce the crises and their causes

The cause of anxiety attacks is primarily internalized. By meditating regularly, you refine your perception of your strengths, your personality and you will know how to tap into your voluntary resources when there is a stressful situation, rather than allowing automated mechanisms take over. You also clean up the stress from these layers you accumulate and end up recovering your personality. You will also learn to control your breathing in a way more powerful, to learn to control the flow of thoughts and pay attention to it when you want.

This is exactly what you need to face the panic attacks themselves and reducing their causes.

How to Meditate?

Meditation is not the absence of thought as some may believe, but it is a practice that allows to fix attention in the present moment to be fully aware of the world around us and to silence a little each day the flow of thoughts.

First of all, no need to know all the techniques of meditation, you just have to know that you are feeling most comfortable. For a successful meditation , initially do it in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Preferably with the back straight, sitting on a chair, on your bed or floor. Try to work out in a comfortable, calm and comfortable space.

In this article I offer a simple and easy techniques to practice. This technique has  greatly helped me lower my stress level, anxiety and be a little more in the present moment.

Mindfulness Meditation                           

(Duration 10 to 20 minutes)
Mindfulness is the simplest way to begin meditation and this is the essence of meditation, dating back 2500 years. Best time to practice is early in the morning, but you can practice in the afternoon to recharge the batteries for the rest of the day or night to start a good night's sleep.

After adopting a sitting position, try to focus your attention on your breathing movement. By feeling your inspiration and expiration you will be fully in the present moment. Try to breathe in and breathe out deeply feeling the air entering and air exiting during exercise.  

After a few minutes of meditation, you will find that your mind will struggle to concentrate, and many thoughts will flow in all directions.

Welcome to the world of meditation and mindfulness. When you suffer a mental agitation, see it simply with smile and refocus your attention gently on your breathing.

There are many ways to be mindfully, with touch, smell, hearing.  For example, I try to focus my attention on my meal, trying to enjoy every stuff  and feel the flavors and the taste of each food.
All your senses are valuable tools that will help you be in the present moment. After a few sessions you can practice, meditation where you want (at home, in a park, public transportation) but for beginners it would be good to see you alone to understand the mechanism exercises.
I practice this meditation as often as possible. Now, I came to better manage my state of anger and appreciate much more the moments that gives me life.


The Benefits of Meditation

Here are some benefits of regular meditation practice after 8 weeks from 10 to 20 minutes of exercises:

  • Your anxiety and your stress will decrease
  • You will be  more positive
  • You will be  more balanced emotionally
  • The immune system will be strengthened
  • Low blood pressure
  • You will be totally relaxed and calm
  • You'll be less depressed
  • You will have a better concentration
  • You will have a better sleep
  • Improves digestion

Meditation brings only benefits and has helped me to change my life.

It allowed me to finally enjoy the moment and reduce my stress , my anxieties and finally being able to step back from my negative thoughts that took a little too much space in my life.

I highly recommend you to test this meditation technique that I propose, they are simple and give good results if we remain diligent.